Jumat, 20 April 2012


The Erycinae are part of a family of non-venomous snakes called boas found in Europe, Asia Minor, Africa, Arabia, central and southwestern Asia, India, Sri Lanka, and western North America. Three genera comprising 15 species are currently recognized
Erycinae ini adalah bagian dari keluarga non-ular berbisa bernama Boas ditemukan di Eropa, Asia Kecil, Afrika, Arab, pusat dan barat daya Asia, India, Sri Lanka, dan Amerika Utara bagian barat. Tiga genera yang terdiri dari 15 spesies saat ini diakui.

A group of stout-bodied snakes, all of which are competent burrowers. The largest, E. johnii rarely exceeds 120 cm. Most grow to around 60 cm in length. They have small eyes and hard, small scales to protect their skin from the grit of sand. There is a great deal of sexual dimorphism, females generally becoming much larger than males.

yang bertubuh gemuk, species  Yang terbesar, E. johnii ,jarang melebihi 120 cm. Kebanyakan  sekitar 60 cm. Mereka memiliki mata yang kecil dan keras, skala kecil untuk melindungi kulit mereka dari grit pasir. Ada banyak dimorfisme seksual, betina umumnya jauh lebih besar dari jantan.
Geographic range

Found in south and southeastern Europe, Asia Minor, north, central, west and east Africa, Arabia, central and southwestern Asia, India, and Sri Lanka. Also in southwestern Canada, the western United States, and northwestern Mexico.

Fossil erycines have been found in rock strata over 50 million years old, and were once widespread in North America. Now, only two species remain in North America, as well as the sand boas in Africa, Asia, and southeastern Europe.
geografis berbagai

Ditemukan di selatan dan tenggara Eropa, Asia Kecil, utara, tengah, barat dan timur Afrika, Arab, pusat dan barat daya Asia, India, dan Sri Lanka. Juga di barat daya Kanada, barat Amerika Serikat, dan Meksiko barat laut

fosil Erycines  telah ditemukan di lapisan batuan lebih dari 50 juta tahun, dan pernah tersebar luas di Amerika Utara. Sekarang, hanya dua spesies tetap di Amerika Utara, serta Boas pasir di Afrika, Asia, dan Eropa tenggara.

The majority of these snakes spend much of their time basking below the surface of the sand, with only their eyes or head exposed on the surface. When a potential prey item approaches, they erupt out of the sand, bite and employ constriction to subdue it.

Sebagian besar ular menghabiskan banyak waktu mereka berjemur di bawah permukaan pasir, dengan hanya mata
atau kepala terpapar pada permukaan. Ketika mangsa potensial mendekati, mereka meledak keluar dari pasir, menggigit dan menggulungnya


Their primary diet consists of rodents, but they have also been known to prey on lizards and birds.

pakan utama mereka terdiri dari tikus, tetapi mereka juga telah dikenal memangsa kadal dan burung.


Otherwise far removed from their boine cousins, one thing they do have in common is that they are generally ovoviviparous, i.e., giving birth to live young. Still, at least three species lay eggs: the Calabar Python, Charina reinhardtii (once regarded as a python for this reason), the Arabian Sand Boa, Eryx jayakari, and the West African Sand Boa, E. muelleri.

tidak jauh dari sepupu boine mereka, mereka memiliki kesamaan  bahwa mereka umumnya Ovoviviparous, yaitu, melahirkan . Namun, setidaknya tiga spesies bertelur: Python Calabar, Charina reinhardtii (
kadang dianggap sebagai python ), Boa Pasir Arab, Eryx jayakari, dan boa pasir Afrika Barat, E. muelleri.
-          Charina                
-          Gray, 1849                          
-          Rosy boas, rubber boas                
-          North America from southwestern Canada south through the western United States into northwestern Mexico. Also found in west and central Africa from Liberia and Sierra Leone to Cameroon (including Bioko Island), the Central African Republic, Gabon, the Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In the DRC, it is found almost as far east as Lake Kivu.

-          EryxT    
-          Daudin, 1803                     
-          Old world sand boas      
-          Southeastern Europe, northern Africa, the Middle East and southwestern Asia.

-          Gongylophis      
-          Wagler, 1830                     
-          Sand boas          
-          Africa from Mauritania and Senegal east to Egypt and south to Tanzania. Also reported from the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula. In the Indian subcontinent from eastern Pakistan, eastern India and Bangladesh south as far as northwestern Sri Lanka.


-          Charina
-          Gray, 1849
-          Boas Rosy, Boas karet
-           Amerika Utara dari Kanada selatan melalui barat daya Amerika Serikat bagian barat ke barat laut Meksiko. Juga ditemukan di Afrika barat dan tengah dari Liberia dan Sierra Leone ke Kamerun (termasuk Bioko Island), Republik Afrika Tengah, Gabon, Republik Kongo dan Republik Demokratik Kongo. Di DRC, ditemukan hampir sejauh timur seperti Danau Kivu.

-      EryxT
-          Daudin, 1803 8 2
-          Boas pasir dunia lama
-           Eropa Tenggara, Afrika utara, Timur Tengah dan barat daya Asia.

-      Gongylophis
-          Wagler, 1830 3 0
-          Pasir Boas
-          Afrika Mauritania dan Senegal timur ke Mesir dan selatan ke Tanzania. Juga dilaporkan dari ujung selatan Semenanjung Arab. Di anak benua India dari Pakistan timur, timur India dan Bangladesh selatan sejauh barat laut Sri Lanka.
This is a list of all genera, species and subspecies of the subfamily Erycinae,otherwise referred to as Old World sand boas, or erycines. It follows the taxonomy currently provided by ITIS, which is based on the continuing work of Dr. Roy McDiarmid.
Ini adalah daftar dari semua genera, spesies dan subspesies dari subfamili Erycinae, jika tidak disebut sebagai Boas Dunia pasir Lama, atau erycines. Ini mengikuti taksonomi saat ini disediakan oleh ITIS, yang didasarkan pada karya terus Dr Roy McDiarmid.


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